Crossing the finish line of the 2012 Philadelphia Marathon. (This picture is copyrighted, can you tell?) The smile is REAL--I ran the whole shebang with no music and kicked 20 minutes off my 2011 marathon time!
Am I three times the crazy? I don't think so. I've been toying with the idea of running another marathon for a while, but couldn't decide which one...
Enter my friend Cindy, whom I met two years ago while training for my first marathon. She decided to run the Philadelphia Marathon with Team in Training again this year, and when I found this out I couldn't sign up fast enough!
I am oddly excited for this marathon. I'm oddly excited to run 20 and 22 milers with some of the greatest people I know. I'm oddly excited to push my limits and see how far I can go in this race.
I've got some BIG PLANS for my third marathon. Some time goals that, right now, seem completely absurd and out of reach but that I am ready, willing, and able to work my ass off to reach.
I KNOW I'm stronger, faster, in better shape, and more confident now than I was in 2011 and 2012. Because of this, I am really looking forward to rocking this race. I'm also looking forward to meeting my fundraising goal for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. GO TEAM!