About Me

Hey There!  Thanks for stopping by my little blog!
I'm not making any grand promises about daily posts.  Or even riveting posts, for that matter.  I just want to use this space as a forum for my thoughts and feelings about different things that are going on in my life, and I know my husband isn't always interested in listening to me ramble on and on about them.

First and foremost, I'm a wife, a mom, a runner, and an all-around awesome person (okay, that one is subject to debate!) From 1998-2012 I was an elementary school teacher.  I taught 4th and 5th grade and, for the most part, loved it.  Starting after the birth of my second child in 2009, I began to feel a very strong sense of discontent with my career and lack of work/family balance.  In early 2012 my (mostly supportive) husband gave me the go-ahead to become a certified personal trainer, and I haven't looked back since.  In April 2012 I became a Beachbody Coach in order to help people reach their health and fitness goals.

I resigned from my teaching job in November, 2012 and began coaching gymnastics part-time.  I recently started teaching Insanity fitness classes at the same gym twice a week.  Have I found that elusive work/family balance?  Not yet.  Are there days when being home with my kids drives me batshit crazy?  Yes.  Do we seriously miss the financial security of my working full-time?  Every day.  Do I regret my decision to change my life path?  Never!

In the past year I've done things I've never thought I had the strength or courage to do.  I've made choices that scared the crap out of me, but have received support for those choices from people I never thought I'd meet.  Every day I try to do one thing that truly frightens me, but it's not easy and I don't always reach that goal.  Starting this blog is one of those things.  

I hope you enjoy following me on my journey!

Here's the cast of characters:

My super-supportive husband Greg.  I am incredibly happy that he finally "gets" my running (even if he thinks running 26.2 miles is insane). 

My super-awesome family.  They drive me nuts but I love them more than I love chocolate and wine.

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