Friday, March 15, 2013

Bruised Arm, Bruised Ego

I have been running on treadmills for oh, I don't know, 20 years, and NOTHING like this has EVER happened to me.  So very very mortifying.

Tuesday afternoon I had a nice break in-between classes so I decided to hop on the treadmill for a quick run.  I was cruising along, about 1.5 miles into my 4-mile run.  I was feeling good and watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians when something funky happened to my Pandora station.  As I reached down to fix it, my phone went flying out of my hands and off the back of the treadmill.  No biggie, it happens all the time.  I hop off the treadmill, grab my phone off the floor, plug my headphones back into it, and attempt to resume my run.  

NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT TRY TO RESUME RUNNING AT 6.6 WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY PUTTING YOUR HEADPHONES BACK INTO YOUR EARS.  I stepped onto the belt funny and literally slid down the treadmill and flew off the back of it.  I made some half-ass attempt to grab the handles but I was going too fast and fell down too hard to stop myself.  

I kind of looked like this except I didn't have such nice form and I certainly wasn't smiling:

Seriously, I landed on the treadmill and as it propelled my body off the end, my entire left arm slid down the belt.  Holy rug burn!

After I landed on the floor, I sat there in a crumpled mess trying to catch my breath and process what the hell had just happened.  I also looked around to see who was snickering (or hysterically laughing out loud) at my mishap.  Apparently my Super Man impression went undetected by all but one fellow gym-goer who half-heartedly asked me from the safety and comfort of her elliptical if I was okay.  (Thankfully I didn't need to interrupt her workout with a request for First Aid)  Arm: bruised.  Ego: bruised.  Other than that, I was fine.

After about 2 minutes I collected my thoughts, dusted the crap off my arm, and (carefully) got back on the treadmill to finish my run.  My arm was busted, though, and hurt like heck!  Huge black-and-blue marks on my upper arm and forearm, significant rug burn on the back of my upper arm and forearm, and a big lump on my forearm.  Sexxy!

This has to be the single MOST embarrassing thing to ever happen to me at the gym.  I told no one (not even my husband!) except my bestie Suzanne about it.  You know what a great friend she is?  She told me that Beth from Shut Up + Run has done it multiple times, and Beth is really really cool so that made me feel infinitely better.

I learned two very valuable lessons on Tuesday:
1) The aforementioned lesson regarding inserting headphones
2) No one else at the gym really gives a shit about what you do 

Question for You:
What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you (or that you've seen happen to someone else) at the gym?
Did you help them, laugh, or ignore them?  ('fess up!)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Like Having a Newborn

I have a 3-year-old who's been sleeping like a 3-week-old lately.  And this is making Greg and me tired and cranky.  We have no idea why Shane is giving us such trouble at bedtime (and at 2 AM) but it's extraordinarily frustrating and, at times, enraging.  We vowed to wake up at 4:15 AM this week to work out, but that hasn't happened ONCE this week.  It's hard to muster up the motivation to work out at 4:15 when you've been awake with a screaming kid from 2:00-3:00 AM.  So on top of being tired from lack of sleep, we're cranky from not working out.  Double whammy!

Since Shane seems to have an affinity for our bed, Greg thinks it's because his toddler bed is a)too small or b)uncomfortable.  So we're off to the furniture store TOMORROW to look into a "big boy" bedroom set (BED) for him.  I'd gladly spend the money on furniture if it means he (and Greg and I) can get consistently uninterrupted sleep!