Friday, March 1, 2013

Like Having a Newborn

I have a 3-year-old who's been sleeping like a 3-week-old lately.  And this is making Greg and me tired and cranky.  We have no idea why Shane is giving us such trouble at bedtime (and at 2 AM) but it's extraordinarily frustrating and, at times, enraging.  We vowed to wake up at 4:15 AM this week to work out, but that hasn't happened ONCE this week.  It's hard to muster up the motivation to work out at 4:15 when you've been awake with a screaming kid from 2:00-3:00 AM.  So on top of being tired from lack of sleep, we're cranky from not working out.  Double whammy!

Since Shane seems to have an affinity for our bed, Greg thinks it's because his toddler bed is a)too small or b)uncomfortable.  So we're off to the furniture store TOMORROW to look into a "big boy" bedroom set (BED) for him.  I'd gladly spend the money on furniture if it means he (and Greg and I) can get consistently uninterrupted sleep!

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