Friday, February 22, 2013

10 Things You've ALWAYS Wanted to Know About Me

Remember a few years ago when there was a "25 Random Things About Me" post going around Facebook?  I sat at my computer for HOURS trying to come up with 25 things about me that would be interesting, random, AND funny.  Since I don't have that kind of time anymore, here are 10 relatively interesting, random, and funny things you know you're dying to know about me.

1) I'm left-handed.  I got my husband a coffee mug for Valentine's Day and realized that it was for right-handed people.  How many other items are for right-handers only?  Hmph.
2) My "special talent" is my freakishly neat handwriting.  There's a huge market for professional handwriters out there, right?
3) I'm addicted to true-crime books and shows.  I can't get enough!

This channel has sucked me in too many times to count.

4) No matter how late it is or how tired I am, I must read every night before I go to bed.
5) A long shower after a long run is heavenly.
6) When I was a kid my life-long dream was to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader.  Can you say DREAM SHATTERED?

Imagine the horror when I came downstairs one day to discover that my older sisters had drawn mustaches on my poster!  I'm still in the process of forgiving them.

7) I don't care how tiny you dice them, I can pick celery, onions, and peppers out of my food.  I hate them!
8) Last I checked, my middle school pull-up record from 1987 still stands.
9) If you come to my house and rearrange, move, or reposition my picture frames thinking that I won't are wrong.  My husband tried this when we first started dating.  Lucky for him I married him anyway.
10) Cadbury Mini Eggs are my kryptonite.

I have such a love/hate relationship with these suckers.

Now it's your turn...
Tell me something random about you!

And I'm Off!

So here goes nothing.

A few months ago I tinkered with the idea of starting a blog.  For weeks it was no more than just idea.  Who would read it?  What would I blog about?  What about my life could possibly be interesting enough to other people?  These questions kept my blog idea as a mere idea.
Yet, when January 1st arrived I decided to add "start a blog" to my list of new year's goals.  After a few weeks of deep thought and contemplation I said "Screw it!  I'm going to start this blog if the only person who reads it is my husband!"  So here I am.  Blogging!  

So what's with my blog's name?

From the Inside Out.

It's all about being healthy, physically (outside) and mentally (inside).  I've always been active.  I've always exercised and taken good care of myself.  The outside health has never been an issue for me.  It's the inside health that I've struggled with for a long time, and I've decided to take charge of my mental health the same way I've always done with my physical health.  

It is my hope that through blogging and expressing my triumphs, challenges, and struggles I can become the healthiest person I can be, from the inside out.