Friday, February 22, 2013

10 Things You've ALWAYS Wanted to Know About Me

Remember a few years ago when there was a "25 Random Things About Me" post going around Facebook?  I sat at my computer for HOURS trying to come up with 25 things about me that would be interesting, random, AND funny.  Since I don't have that kind of time anymore, here are 10 relatively interesting, random, and funny things you know you're dying to know about me.

1) I'm left-handed.  I got my husband a coffee mug for Valentine's Day and realized that it was for right-handed people.  How many other items are for right-handers only?  Hmph.
2) My "special talent" is my freakishly neat handwriting.  There's a huge market for professional handwriters out there, right?
3) I'm addicted to true-crime books and shows.  I can't get enough!

This channel has sucked me in too many times to count.

4) No matter how late it is or how tired I am, I must read every night before I go to bed.
5) A long shower after a long run is heavenly.
6) When I was a kid my life-long dream was to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader.  Can you say DREAM SHATTERED?

Imagine the horror when I came downstairs one day to discover that my older sisters had drawn mustaches on my poster!  I'm still in the process of forgiving them.

7) I don't care how tiny you dice them, I can pick celery, onions, and peppers out of my food.  I hate them!
8) Last I checked, my middle school pull-up record from 1987 still stands.
9) If you come to my house and rearrange, move, or reposition my picture frames thinking that I won't are wrong.  My husband tried this when we first started dating.  Lucky for him I married him anyway.
10) Cadbury Mini Eggs are my kryptonite.

I have such a love/hate relationship with these suckers.

Now it's your turn...
Tell me something random about you!

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